Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Open Your Eyes to Your Potential

Rules of Success #8

Open your eyes to your potential

"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!" -Jim Rohn

You may not realize it right now, but inside you you have the potential to become very, very successful. Successful beyond your wildest dreams. So why aren't you? By and large, it's because our schools, governments, teachers, professors, and clergy don't teach you this!

Open your eyes to your potentialOn the contrary in fact, you've been programmed your whole life to accept mediocrity, to believe that conforming and compromising is the way you go through life and that real success is unachievable except for the "privileged." Of course, people that have become highly successful have learned this is not true at all and they have broken out of these artificial constraints...and so should you!

For me, it was reading the classic book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill at the age of 22 that opened my eyes. I was also greatly impacted by "The Magic Of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. I still highly recommend these books to anyone who wants to do great things in their life.

I also recommend one of the world's most famous success experts and authors, Jack Zufelt, as someone you'll want to familiarize yourself with.

Like Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz , Jack opens your eyes to your true potential. Indeed, what Jack teaches is so powerful he has been interviewed on over 2,000 radio and TV talk shows. PBS aired a special about him that was broadcast via satellite to 127 countries. The United States Senate honored him for teaching Americans how to achieve more success in their personal lives and careers. He was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit by the President of the United States!

Jack's books and CDs can literally change your life and I highly recommend them to all our affiliates! Check out all of Jack's products at: https://www.dnamastercourse.com/

"Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits."
-Brian Tracy 

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