Friday, May 15, 2015

Is FREE a good thing?

People love free stuff right? Yet, for some, free has the connotation of cheap, or worthless. Well let me tell you that cheap and worthless is far from what you’ll get when you join SFI free! It has always been free to join and always will. But there are those who think that by charging a fee to join it would improve the quality of signups. This is not true and I’d like to share the exact words from SFI as to why it is, and will remain, a free business opportunity.

From the 24-hour Knowledge Base at

"Since our launch in 1998 we've been free to join and we don't plan to ever change that. Here's why:

1. It would be unlawful for us to pay commissions on sign-up fees. And while a sign-up KIT makes some sense, it would have to be sold at our cost (it's unlawful to profit on the sale or pay any commissions on a sign-up kit). And since the majority of our affiliates come from outside of the United States, the postage cost would be very high and the delivery time far too long. We believe it is much smarter to have a the equivalent of a starter kit in DIGITAL form--that new affiliates can access IMMEDIATELY upon signing up, and provide this FREE. And this is what we do. 

2. Some say charging a fee to join would improve the quality of sign-ups. There's no doubt it would. But it would also mean that, every year, tens of thousands of affiliates with outstanding potential would pass on SFI. We don't believe that knocking all these people out upfront serves anyone well in the long run. We have a TREMENDOUS program. We want as many people as possible to see this. How better than to let anyone who's interested in learning about SFI, to fully access SFI by letting them sign up for free? Let them kick the tires. Let them take SFI for a test drive. That's how car dealers sell cars. That's how we show people how great SFI is. 

3. "But it clutters up my Genealogy!" some say. Other say it wastes their time "badgering" new affiliates who don't do anything. First of all, there's no need to badger anyone, and if you can't stand seeing inactive people in your Genealogy, just choose to view the condensed version (link located top center at your Genealogy), which omits all who haven't logged in in the last 90 days. But ignore all these supposedly inactive people at your own peril! Some of our biggest, highest-earning affiliates took MONTHS before deciding to become active with SFI. What convinced them? For many, it was upline members who continued to send them weekly SFI newsletters, etc. And remember that when you're using tools like the PSA Mailer, CSA Mailer, or Genealogy Group Mailer, it takes just as much effort to send a newsletter to one person as it does to a thousand. So send your newsletter to ALL of your group--yes, even those "horrible" inactive people. But don't be surprised when some percentage of those formerly inactive people suddenly come to life because of that constant and regular flow of communication you initiated! Failure is the path of least persistence! Don't give up on people just because their timing may be different than yours. Be persistent. That's how you win in life and it's how you win in SFI too.
And, of course, SFI has been refining for more than a decade its follow-up system for new affiliates. In other words, even if you don't do anything with the people that are signing up under you, SFI's powerful system continues to communicate with your new affiliates through a variety of newsletters and other emails. Do you REALLY not want to let this powerful and proven system go to work for you--just because your Genealogy has a few extra names in it?"

If this makes sense to you, and you want to work for yourself in the comfort of your own home with just a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can get started right here for free, and get free training.

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