Sunday, March 1, 2015

Success / Failure

Over the last 60 years, literally millions of people have participated in Network Marketing, MLMs, and Affiliate Marketing businesses. Why do some people go to the top while others seem to struggle endlessly hardly make a dime? Well, there are no simple, easy answers to that question. However, through many years of trial and error, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent on figuring out what works and what doesn't, SFI has a very clear picture of what leads to success.

SFI's president, Mr. Gery Carson, has distilled all of this into what he calls the  "SFI Rules Of Success". And so it's very simple: If you want to SUCCEED, you must follow these rules. If you want to risk FAILURE, ignore them. These rules can be applied to any business.

Here are a couple of the Rules of Success right from the SFI training module. ( more to follow in the days to come! )

Rule #1: Treat your a business!

If you purchased a franchise, would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked it a few hours a week? Or if you didn't get trained? Or if you only tried for a few months? Or if you didn't follow the proven guidelines of the creators of the franchise?

Of course not! That's ridiculous. SFI is no different. Success requires commitment.

I am continually amazed at how many people think that money will somehow magically fall from the sky without work, without plans, or without an earnest commitment. All these elements MUST be present.

The fact is, anything worthwhile in life requires effort and commitment. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, and we'd all be highly educated. It's the same thing with having your own business.

In short, if you treat your SFI business as a serious, full-time business, put in the effort and commit to its success, it will become a serious, full-time business.

"You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers." -Les Brown

Rule #3: Lead By Example

If you want your affiliates sponsoring affiliates, referring TC members, etc., then make sure YOU are are doing these things. Do these things and become proficient in these things so you can show and teach your affiliates the best ways to do them.

In the key area of duplication, your affiliates are definitely watching! Show them what it means to be a strong, active sponsor and THEY will become strong, active sponsors and help you further your growth and profits.

Leading by example works in the negative, too, of course. Want a downline of affiliates who do nothing? Then do nothing and that's what you'll likely get!

So...the rule is real simple: Whatever you want THEM to do, YOU do, because they are following your lead!

"A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!" -Jack M. Zufelt 

If you're looking for a quality opportunity to earn money from home using your computer, tablet, or smartphone, check us out!

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