Sunday, August 4, 2024

Rebuilt From the Ground Up

Last year (2023) SFI made some major changes in their Affiliate program to make it simpler and easier
for new affiliates to understand, get involved, and make money. Unfortunately, those changes did not have the desired effect. So, in a bold move, the SFI team decided to rebuild SFI from the ground up keeping only the essential elements in line with the original vision of the founder and president, Mr. Gery Carson.

In it's early days, SFI had one product, a home business magazine called "Six Figure Income". Over the years it added more products and more incentives. Today, SFI has returned to it's focus on one product, although they have retained the Eager Zebra games and a brand new online shopping center called "Elevation Mall"

SFI has dropped the "Share-Tech" system and the MLM model, so there are no longer uplines or downlines; it's now a pure affiliate company with TWO ways for it's affiliates to earn income:

  1. Direct Commissions from sales, and
  2. Affiliate Pool Shares

SFI's main product is now ECommergy, which has been around for awhile now. ECommergy is a subscription resource website FOR entrepreneurs BY entrepreneurs with helpful articles, videos, and audio, covering a wide-range of topics relevant to business. If an ECommergy subscriber finds just one article that helps him/her succeed, it will certainly be worth the small subscription price starting at only $9.95 per month.

To earn SubComms (Direct Commissions), an affiliate must himself be a subscriber at the minimum level of Bronze ($19.95). Affiliates will earn from $5 to $70 in monthly SubComms from every subscriber, depending on the level sold, and the level of the seller (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum).

The Affiliate Pool is funded from the profits of SFI's ZING Network: ECommergy sales, TripleClicks sales, Eager Zebra games, and the new Elevation Mall. A large portion of SFI's profits from these four sources will be poured into the Affiliate Pool and shared monthly by all Affiliates. (Affiliates are paid subscribers to ECommergy at Bronze level or higher), This is GUARANTEED income regardless of whether you earned SubComms or not.

Affiliates are encouraged to use the concept of "Transfer Buying" at the Elevation Mall; IE. any purchases you plan to make online, first check the Elevation Mall. While there are no Direct Commissions involved, all sales are counted in funding the Pool for distribution at the end of each month. Affiliates can also share the URL for the Elevation Mall leading to additional sales from non-affiliates. As of this date, Aug 4, 2024, there are 24 stores in the Mall, with many more being added monthly, ranging from health and wellness to electronics and everything in between.

In addition to SubComms and Affiliate Pool Shares, Affiliates can earn even more by redeeming Rewardical Tokens (RT) that can be earned and won in a variety of fun ways at the Affiliate Center. Included with your subscription to ECommergy are RT and ZCredits, digital coins you can use to play Eager Zebra games to win fun prizes, including more Rewardicals. RT can then be redeemed for other valuable prizes including CASH, to be paid with your monthly commissions and pool shares.

All in all, the NEW SFI is straight-forward and simple:

  • Subscribe at the level that's right for you - Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.

  • Use SFI's Marketing Aids and Methods to advertise the subscription gateway link which offers a 10-day free subscription along with four valuable bonuses.

  • Use your ZCredits to play EZ games to earn and win RT's for redemption

  • Collect your monthly income and work on building it bigger every month by simply sharing your link to the 10-day free trial!

What do you think? Any thoughts about this post?
Please offer your feedback! Your comments are welcomed.


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rules of Success #16, 17, 18

As mentioned in my first post on "Rules of Success", success leaves clues. Here are three more simple guidelines (rules) to help in your pursuit of success. 


As our SFI slogan says, "Aim High and Dream Big!" Small desire produces small results, just as a small fire produces little heat. Another popular saying is "Go big or go home". You get the idea. If you want big results, THINK BIG and don't be afraid of failure!

"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid." -Latin Proverb


Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positives...and the "big picture."

Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today's rapidly evolving world).

Don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed.

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. Not you." - Jim Rohn


Your attitude determines your altitude in your life, so make sure it's positive! And don't let the negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you. All the great men and women in history had to overcome the naysayers (AKA "Dream Stealers") who said it couldn't be done—and then went out and did it. Think for yourself and believe in yourself! 

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad." -Denis Waitley

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." -William James

"A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change." -Earl Nightingale

Monday, February 12, 2024

Focus - Don't Quit

You cannot become successful in anything when you're trying to do too many things at once. As they say, chase two rabbits and you'll catch neither!

Winning starts with beginning

The only way to fail in SFI is if you give up.

Don't QuitSO many people quit just as they're ready to break through. Imagine mining deep into a mountainside, then walking away mere inches away from striking gold. Don't be that person.

Worse is the person who does this over and over again. If they had just kept digging instead of moving on to the "next great thing" every few months, they'd already have their gold–and they would have reached it so much sooner!

And, yes, sometimes it will seem that your efforts are not accomplishing anything, but always remember that even the mightiest oak tree will eventually be felled by the steady chops of even the smallest axe. Persistence always pays off.

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Please offer your feedback! Your comments are welcomed.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Winning Starts with Beginning

Winning starts with beginning

This is #12 of the 20 "Rules of Success" published on SFI's website. The premise seems obvious: you can't expect to win any contest, or win at a business endeavor, if you never get started! But it's amazing to me how many people join SFI everyday and never actually get started.

There will never be a "perfect" time. Start now, with whatever you have. The tools you need will come to you as you learn more about SFI and work toward your goals. And don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis" either. Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can. Keep learning and keep moving ahead. That's the key.

As with most of the previous "rules", this one is useful for whatever you do... not just SFI. Winning starts with beginning, or to put it another way, "Beginning means more than joining an opportunity". You can join SFI now for free, and get started with guaranteed income by upgrading to Executive Affiliate

What do you think? Any thoughts about this post?
Please offer your feedback! Your comments are welcomed.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Have a Plan (a realistic plan)

How To Succeed in SFI

Rules of Success #11

Have a Plan (A realistic Plan)

Goals are vital, as Rule #10 makes clear, but you must also have a plan to achieve your goals, and it must be realistic.


Have a plan


Start with this: Though SFI is truly one of the few businesses where you can earn while you learn, think of your first 6-12 months primarily as a training period. Build this into your plan. In this era of "instant everything," I know that's a tough for a lot of people to deal with, but big incomes simply do not happen overnight. It's just not reality. If it was, everybody would be rich.

Instead, plan to work the hardest your first 6-12 months or so and get compensated the least. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself and given yourself time to put your plan fully into operation.


SFI offers numerous free resources to help affiliates plan, set goals, and succeed in business. Plus, in addition to all the free resources there is ECommergy, the website for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs. Subscriptions are affordable whether you want daily access throughout the month, or limited access. And, when you become an Executive Affiliate you'll get a free 3-month subscription to ECommergy with your E-Pack.

"Failing to plan is planning to fail." -Unknown

"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives." -Jim Rohn


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Please offer your feedback! Your comments are welcomed.


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Set Goals and Publish Them

Rules of Success #10
Set Goals and Publish Them

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." -Earl Nightingale

ou've probably heard this a 1000 times before, but it's no less true today than it was yesterday. If you want to succeed in business, or in life in general, goals are essential.

A valid plan for success must include not just goals, but published goals too. Once you've set your goals, print them out and keep it on the wall near where you work on your SFI business—in other words...publish them!

Set goals...and publish them


"You can't hit a target you cannot see and you cannot see a target you do not have."
-Zig Ziglar

This may seem silly to you, but psychologically it can be a game-changer. No one knows why exactly, but publishing your goals seems to launch activity in your powerful subconscious mind that seems to literally "pull" you towards the achievement of your goals!

Studies on goal-setting have revealed truly amazing statistics. For example, a study of college students who used goal-setting in college found they eventually landed in the top percentile of all earners!

Setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, don't even think about ignoring goal-setting!

"The establishment of a clear, central purpose or goal in life is the starting point of all success. An average person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals." -Brian Tracy

Join SFI as an Executive Affiliate and start earning guaranteed income today. Plus, get access to outstanding training resources to help build your business and enhance your life.



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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Open Your Eyes to Your Potential

Rules of Success #8

Open your eyes to your potential

"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!" -Jim Rohn

You may not realize it right now, but inside you you have the potential to become very, very successful. Successful beyond your wildest dreams. So why aren't you? By and large, it's because our schools, governments, teachers, professors, and clergy don't teach you this!

Open your eyes to your potentialOn the contrary in fact, you've been programmed your whole life to accept mediocrity, to believe that conforming and compromising is the way you go through life and that real success is unachievable except for the "privileged." Of course, people that have become highly successful have learned this is not true at all and they have broken out of these artificial constraints...and so should you!

For me, it was reading the classic book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill at the age of 22 that opened my eyes. I was also greatly impacted by "The Magic Of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. I still highly recommend these books to anyone who wants to do great things in their life.

I also recommend one of the world's most famous success experts and authors, Jack Zufelt, as someone you'll want to familiarize yourself with.

Like Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz , Jack opens your eyes to your true potential. Indeed, what Jack teaches is so powerful he has been interviewed on over 2,000 radio and TV talk shows. PBS aired a special about him that was broadcast via satellite to 127 countries. The United States Senate honored him for teaching Americans how to achieve more success in their personal lives and careers. He was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit by the President of the United States!

Jack's books and CDs can literally change your life and I highly recommend them to all our affiliates! Check out all of Jack's products at:

"Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits."
-Brian Tracy 

For more great articles, tips, and expert advice, join SFI and head over to the "Training" module. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and start earning guaranteed income immediately! Plus, you'll get a free 3-month subscription to ECommergy. ECommergy is packed with expert articles, audio, and video, covering everything you need to know about business building and entrepreneurship. The nominal $19.95 for an E-Pack to become EA is a steal for 3 months of ECommergy alone, not to mention all the perks and benefits of being an SFI EA.


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Please offer your feedback! Your comments are welcomed.
